Special relativity arising from a misunderstanding of experimental results on the constant speed of light

Nachstehend bringe ich einen Beitrag von Professor Zifeng Li in der Zeitschrift PHYSICS ESSAYS 21, 2 (2008), pp. 96 – 102, unter dem Titel:

 Zifeng Li
Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066004, China
eceived 4 January 2006; accepted 2 April 2008) 


Abstract: All experiments show that the speed of light relative to its source measured in vacuum is constant. Einstein interpreted this fact such that any ray of light moves in the „stationary“ system with a fixed velocity c, whether the ray is emitted by a stationary or by a moving body, and established special relativity accordingly. This paper reviews basic hypotheses and viewpoints of space-time relationship in special relativity; analyzes derivation processes and the mistakes in the Lorentz transformation and Einstein’s original paper. The transformation between two coordinate systems moving uniformly relative to one another is established. It is shown that special relativity based upon the Lorentz transformation is not correct, and that the relative speed between two objects can be faster than the speed of light. © 2008 Physics Essays Publication. [DOI: 10.4006/1.3006345]

Résumé: Toutes les expérimentations montrent que la vitesse de lumière relative à sa source mesurée dans le vacuum est constante. A propos de ce fait, Einstein expliquait que n’importe quel rayon de lumière se déplace dans le système „stationnaire“ avec une vélocité fixe c, que le rayon soit émis par un corps stationnaire ou mobile, et il a donc établi la relativité restreinte. Cet article réexamine les hypothèses et les points de vue fondamentaux de la relation espace-temps dans la relativité restreinte; analyse les procéds de dérivation et les erreurs dans la transformation de Lorentz et l’article original d’Einstein. La transformation entre deux systèmes de coordonnées qui se déplacent uniformement relativement àun un autre est établie. Il est montré que la relativité restreinte basée sur la transformation de Lorentz n’est pas correcte, et que la vitesse relative entre deux objets peut être plus grande que celle de lumière.

Key words: Special Relativity; Light Speed; Einstein; Lorentz Transformation.

Special relativity was established by Einstein nearly a century ago [1] and today has become a compulsory course at many universities [2]. However, the rationality of its derivation process and its conclusions are still under suspicion. [3-28] 

This paper briefly reviews the basic hypotheses and the main viewpoints of space-time in special relativity. The derivations and the mistakes involved in the Lorentz transformation and Einstein’s original paper are analyzed. The transformation between two coordinate systems moving uniformly relative to one another will be revised. It will be shown that special relativity based upon the Lorentz transformation is not correct, and that the relative speed between two objects can be faster than the speed of light.

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C. Key points of special relativity 

 Based on the Lorentz transformation, special relativity concluded that:
(1) Simultaneity effect: if two events appear at two points in a coordinate system at rest synchronously, the times that these two events appear in another coordinate system moving uniformly are not the same.
(2) Length contraction effect: in a coordinate system with a relative speed, the length of an object measured along the speed direction of the system is shorter than that measured in another coordinate system in which the object is at rest.
(3) Time dilation effect: for an event, the time measured in a coordinate system with relative speed to the place is longer than that measured in another coordinate system in which the place is at rest. 

D. Dynamics of special relativity 
(1) The mass of an object measured in a moving coordinate system is larger than that measured in the coordinate system in which the object is at rest.
(2) The energy of an object equals its mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light. 


A. Wrong comprehension of experimental results on the constant speed of light 

Until now, all experiments show that the speed of light relative to its source measured in vacuum is constant. This can be explained as follows. 
(1) For light signals in vacuum radiated from sources that are fixed in any inertial coordinate system, measured speeds of these light signals relative to their sources (or coordinate systems), respectively, are equal.
(2) For light signals in vacuum radiated from a definite source, light speeds relative to their source measured in coordinate systems moving uniformly relative to one another are equal. 

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C. Deductions
Special relativity based upon the Lorentz transformation is not correct. As the key components of special relativity, the simultaneity effect, length contraction effect, time dilation effect, mass increasing effect, and the question of restenergy are all groundless. The relative speed between two objects can exceed the light speed.


(1) Special relativity is derived from a misunderstanding of experimental results involving the constant speed of light.
(2) Special relativity based upon the Lorentz transformation is not correct.
(3) Descriptions of a definite event in all inertial coordinate systems moving uniformly relative to one another are equal.
(4) The relative speed between two objects can exceed the light speed.
(5) Einstein’s paper „On the electrodynamics of moving bodies“ is full of mistakes and conflicts.  


The author gratefully acknowledges Dr. Thomas Smid for polishing this paper’s English and discussions. 

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