Manifesto for critics of modern physics 1998
By Steven Rado
Beitrag aus dem GOM-Projekt: 2394 weitere kritische Veröffentlichungen
zur Ergänzung der Dokumentation Textversion 1.2 – 2004, Kapitel 4.
Manifesto for critics of modern physics / Steven Rado. – WWW 1998. 5 S.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the great majority of classical physicists were utterly confident that the evolution of human understanding of Nature was in its last stage through an ultimate unification of all Physics.
This optimism originated in the great successes of Newton’s earthly and celestial mechanics which brought great technological revolutions and immense knowledge in astronomy. The victorious wave theory of light along with the atomic and kinetic theory of gases lead to the mechanical understanding of most microscopic natural phenomena. With Faraday and Maxwell’s theories, electric and magnetic forces were analyzed which revealed conceptual and mathematical similarities across all physical understanding. It became promising to hypothesize the existence of an all-pervading supermundane medium, the mechanism of which could tie all the loose ends together and unify classical physics. This unifying, hypothetical medium was called Aether.
There was, however, a prolonged and unsuccessful search for a feasible, mechanical model of this Aether. Finally, James Clerk Maxwell, the father of electromagnetism and the electromagnetic wave theory of light, proposed a simple experiment which was supposed to empirically justify the existence of the luminiferous medium. His idea was that, if an Aether exists as the transmitting medium of light, electricity and magnetism, then the speed of propagation of these disturbances must be relative to the state of motion of the medium — like that of sound in air. If so, then the measured speed of propagation produced by a source that moves in this Aether must differ in different directions. Thus, Maxwell believed if a light-source is on the Earth, which moves relative to a motionless all-pervading Aether, then its orbital speed should be manifested by a variation in the measurements of the speed of light in different directions.
Maxwell’s idea was first tested in the 1881 by Michelson and produced a shocking ‚Null-result‘. Since then, till today countless experiments, based on various theories, have been performed, mostly repeating the same Null-result. Thence came several decades of conceptual turmoil involving delicate and sophisticated duels between groups and individuals of the disintegrated scientific community. Mostly, minisculeous disagreements over the interpretations of various Null or nearly Null-results of various ingenious experiments.
Nevertheless, the bulk of the scientific community (from which today’s orthodoxy has evolved) took the easiest possible way out of the dilemma with Einstein’s postulates. They simply viewed the Null-result as a fact of reality and dismissed the resulting unresolvable contradictions between the different departments of physics. According to relativity, classical logic and common-sense are not applicable to the phenomenon of light — and the only thing science can do is to rely upon mathematical formulas which quantitatively correct the misconceptions and faulty predictions of classical physics. This technique of ‚mathematical formalism‘ was developed by H. A. Lorentz originally based on the aethereal construction of electromagnetic matter in the 1890’s and was redeveloped in a different way by demolishing the Aether and ‚absolute motion‘ through Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. –
Of course, we dissidents are all aware of this, but it must be repeated again and again in order to emphasize that this is it, and nothing more.
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- 16. Februar 2013
- Englischsprachige Kritik der Relativitätstheorie
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