G.O. Mueller – The German Research Project “95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)”

Von G.O. Mueller 

G.O. Mueller – The German Research Project
“95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)”
[GOM-Project Relativity Theory]
2013, 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, College Park, MD, United States

The international reception of our project

Although our anonymous research project is based in Germany it has an international scope covering publications from all countries since 1908 (the year of the first publication critical of relativity). We document the publications and we try to inform the public about the existence of the strong and uninterrupted tradition of criticism.

Together with our Partners in 2012 we have achieved something which initially we have never dreamt of: the presentation of English translations of two chapters of our documentation [1] of 2004 and the translation of our latest “Open Letter”:

– Chapter 2: “Catalogue of Errors for Both Theories of Relativity[2]

– Chapter 9: “The Thought Experiment[3] a report about the effect of critical thoughts about relativity in our society.

– “4th Open Letter on the Freedom of Science” addressed to German language newspapers and magazines [4]

Moreover in 2012 we have published a supplement to

– Chapter 4: Documentation of publications critical of relativity [5] thus increasing the total number of publications in all languages and from all countries to 6183.



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